
虽然威斯布鲁克学院一直位于同一个地理位置, the neighborhood where it is located has been part of three different municipalities over the years: Westbrook (1831–1870), -迪尔岭(1871 - 1898), 波特兰(1899年至今). 这所学院本身已经换了五次名字——威斯布鲁克神学院, 威斯布鲁克大专, 韦斯特布鲁克大学, 正规澳门赌场网络的威斯布鲁克学院校园, 以及正规澳门赌场网络波特兰校区.


韦斯特布鲁克神学院, 一所存在了91年的男女混合寄宿学校, 是在一八三〇年九月开始的吗, when the Kennebec Association of Universalists resolved that a school that would promote "piety and morality" be established at Steven's Plains in Westbrook. 的适用, whose belief in salvation for all people differed from the Calvinist belief in salvation for those who had been divinely selected, wanted their young people to have an educational environment that would not conflict with or refute their religious beliefs.

 1831年3月4日,州长丹尼尔·史密斯签署了威斯布鲁克神学院的宪章. The campus's original eight acres were a gift to the Association from Zachariah Stevens (Steven's Plains and the present Stevens Avenue were named for him) and Oliver Buckley. 3年过去了,6月9日才举行了第一堂课, 1834年在新建的神学院大楼, 也就是现在的校友堂.

Tuition was three dollars for "common English studies" and four dollars and a half for "languages and branches of the mathematics.“男女学生都有, 谁被“允许享有平等的特权”,“寄宿在邻居家,每周一美元二十五美分. 为了便于比较, 有趣的是,洛厄尔工厂的工人, 他们中的许多人与神学院的学生年龄相仿, 获得了1美元.每周60英镑,这被认为是不错的工资.

Although it was founded by the Universalists and its first principal was Steven's Plains Universalist, 威斯布鲁克神学院不教授任何宗派教义. 然而,学生被要求参加每天的灵修练习和服务. 毕竟灵魂(Ludcke)建成了, students who did not have written parental permission to attend another church were obliged to attend services there. 这一规定一直持续到20世纪30年代.

学生们在课内外的行为都有严格的规定. A late 19th-century catalog states that the Seminary is "not a suitable one for those who are idle, 任性的, 或者厌恶学习." In 1886, female students informed the Seminary president that for one week they would disregard all rules that they thought were too restrictive. One of the rules that they ignored was the one that required them to be escorted or chaperoned if they walked to Morrill's Corner.

到19世纪90年代, the Seminary offered four courses of study: a three-year English course and four-year programs titled scientific, 女士的经典, 和准备. Young women who completed the 女士的经典 or the scientific course received either a Lauriate of Arts or a Lauriate of 科学, 这似乎是威斯布鲁克独有的. 在19世纪后半叶, the Seminary added chemistry and physics labs to 校友 Hall and promoted a serious interest in athletics that lead to the construction of McArthur Gym in 1900.



克拉伦斯·昆比在1914年成为神学院院长, he attempted to convince the trustees and 教师 that they should concentrate on women's two-year college education. 由于无法实现他的计划,他于1920年离开了. 五年内, 然而, cost of co-ed education and competition from other prep schools convinced the trustees to authorize the Seminary to add a two-year women's college curriculum. 最后一批男女同校的神学院学生于1925年春天毕业.

渐渐地,专科学校在课程中增加了学习课程. By 1936, 在它放弃预科课程三年后, 该机构有11个项目, seven of which prepared young women to transfer as juniors to four-year colleges or universities. 威斯布鲁克大专's career-oriented two-year programs increased its enrollment from 27 in 1933 to 370 in 1947.

因为戈达德和赫西无法容纳所有的学生, 大专 purchased buildings on College Street and Stevens Avenue for senior students who were supervised by either house mothers or 教师 who lived in these small home-like residences. 其中一些房屋还设有教室.

在1960年代, 大专, 在主要拨款和联邦资金的帮助下, 建造了六座建筑——林内尔, Ginn, MacDougal, 亚历山大, 凯特, 和科尔曼. 尽管它们体型庞大, 与众多的小房子相比,宿舍更容易维护,费用也更低. 他们还允许对住校学生进行更规范的监督.


在七十年代,艺术画廊是校园里唯一的新建筑. 校园本身, 然而, increased in size when the college exchanged property on Stevens Avenue for 25 acres of woods and fields.

70年代发生了两大学术变化. Looking toward the future, the trustees legally changed the institution's name to 韦斯特布鲁克大学. Federal legislation mandated that federal funds could not be granted to colleges that practiced gender discrimination so 韦斯特布鲁克大学 returned to co-education.

威斯布鲁克学院的第一批男学生是在1973年秋季入学的. 在20世纪80年代和90年代初,学院继续建立在20世纪70年代的决定. Westbrook made a firm commitment to four-year programs that combined liberal arts with professional education. 新的约瑟芬S. Abplanalp '45图书馆于1986年开放, 为学院的学术实力作出贡献, 而新的Beverly Burpee Finley '44娱乐中心于1989年完工, 提供运动和休闲的机会.


尽管有新的项目和建筑, the College in the late 1980s and early 1990s found itself caught in national trends of enrollments that especially hit small colleges hard. 到20世纪90年代中期,大学董事会开始寻找其他可能合并的机构.

7月31日, 1996, 威斯布鲁克学院和比德福德的正规澳门赌场网络合并, 创建一个更大的, 高等院校更加多元化. 合并是在最初的1831年威斯布鲁克学院章程下进行的. 当文件被签署时, 合并后的机构成为威斯布鲁克学院, 威斯布鲁克学院更名为正规澳门赌场网络.


今天的威斯布鲁克大学校园, 现在被称为波特兰校区, 剑桥大学的两个主要学院都在这里.

The recently renamed 韦斯特布鲁克大学 of 健康的职业 is a model for interdisciplinary health and wellness. 多于1,000名学生, 教师, 以及从事社会工作研究生课程的专业人员, 医师助理, 药店, 职业治疗, 物理治疗, 与护士麻醉, 以及护理和口腔卫生专业的本科生, WCHP以威斯布鲁克学院的学术遗产为荣誉.

2013年秋天, the UNE College of 口腔医学 unveiled a state-of-the-art Oral 健康 Center as it welcomed its inaugural class of dental students on the Portland Campus. As 缅因州唯一的牙科学校, 牙科医学院正在满足缅因州的需求, 整个新英格兰, 牙科护理人员.

世界卫生组织也是世界卫生组织的所在地 跨专业仿真与创新中心, which employs high-tech patient simulators that are integrated with computer programs in real time so these "patients" can actually respond to students’ actions and can even hold "discussions" surrounding their care. The 跨专业仿真与创新中心 is also training health professionals from the region's healthcare institutions as well.

另外, the Portland Campus boasts three important Portland 文化 institutions: UNE's 全球人文中心 brings to campus some of the leading thinkers of our time to engage with UNE students and members of the surrounding community; the Maine Women Writers Collection, 杰出的文学专集, 文化, 以及缅因州女性的社会历史资料, was designated a national Literary Landmark and continues to host local women's studies programs and national conferences; and the Art Gallery, 于1998年4月重新开放, offers a series of ongoing exhibitions of art and photography and houses a distinguished permanent collection.

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