The 历史 of our Biddeford Campus

In the last quarter of the 19th century, 约350,成千上万的男男女女从加拿大魁北克省来到新英格兰的工业城镇, 包括缅因州Saco河沿岸的那些磨坊镇. 这些人在爱尔兰天主教徒和美国佬的聚居地中建立了自己的法裔加拿大人聚居地, and they set up their own educational, 政治, 宗教, and service institutions.

In the 1930s, Father Arthur Decary, pastor of St. Andre's Parish in Biddeford, 求助于蒙特利尔的方济会教团,建立了一所高中和初级学院——一所学院ssamraphique——来教育年轻的法裔美国人, descendants of the Québécois, in the tradition of their own heritage and culture, especially with an eye toward the priesthood.

方济各会在比德福德的Saco河口实现了Decary的愿景, 就在欧洲探险家第一次发现瓦本纳基土著人的村庄的同一地点.

Franciscan High School

1939年5月1日,新高中破土动工. 15年,ssamuhique学院招收了14名九年级学生. The cost of attending was $200 a year, which included "board, 房间, 学费, 书, sports equipment, and transportation to and from the railroad station."

第一个班的14名男生学习了严格意义上的文科课程. 它包括宗教、法语、拉丁语、英语、代数、普通科学、物理、音乐和圣歌. Four years later, in the 12th grade, they studied apologetics, 拉丁, 法国, 英语, history and trigonometry.

The College Séraphique continued to grow. By 1945-46, 第一年有学生参加了所有六个班, the total student population was 88. 到1950年毕业时,高中入学人数已增至115人,大专入学人数已增至20人.

A Four-Year Liberal Arts College

Although by 1952, s学院培养了毕业的年轻人,这些人后来成为牧师, 方济各会决定将该机构转变为一所四年制文理学院, which became St. Francis College. 它的使命是让年轻的天主教男子成为更大的主流文化的一部分.

1953年,方济各会获得了授予大学学位的州特许状. 在最初的几年里,他们继续开办高中,但在1958年,他们开始逐步取消. By 1961, 该学院仅是一所四年制大专院校, 1966年, 它得到了新英格兰学院和中学协会的全面认可.

St. 弗朗西斯学院建立在学院的课程基础上,但也远远超出了学院的课程范围. In 1960 for instance, the curriculum consisted of four divisions - humanities; mathematics and the natural sciences; social science, education and business; and theology and philosophy. 尽管发生了种种变化,方济各会和天主教的身份仍然很强.

In the 1960s, St. 方济各开始举行一系列对整个社区开放的专题讨论会, addressing contemporary issues, such as "The Christian in the Modern World," in response to Vatican II; and "The Negro and the Quest for Identity,这一事件吸引了许多美国民权领袖来到校园, such as the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Roy Wilkins, Stokely Carmichael and Dorothy Day.

到1959年,入学人数已达到152人,1967年,女性首次被完全录取. 入学人数继续上升,在1969-70年达到顶峰,有730名学生.

然而,从1968年到1974年,学院经历了许多变化. 蒙特利尔的方济各会决定退出对学院的管理和控制, turning its ownership over to a board of lay people. 同样在20世纪70年代,该学院和东北部小型文理学院的入学人数开始下降,许多学院关闭了大门.

The Creation of the University of New England

但圣. Francis College transformed itself to survive. 它围绕生物科学项目重新定义了自己的使命, human services, and business administration, 它还开始与新英格兰骨科医学基金会进行讨论, 这些讨论促成了1978年新英格兰骨科医学院的成立. 一个新的 Maine University 正规澳门赌场网络是由圣. 弗朗西斯学院和骨科医学院合并为一个机构.

Two decades later, in 1996, the University merged with Westbrook College in Portland, one of Maine's oldest institutions of learning, founded in 1831.

Three Decades of Growth

Since 1978, when it had 36 medical students and 396 St. Francis College undergraduates, 正规澳门赌场网络已经发展成为一个更加多元化的机构,在缅因州有两个独特的校区,在丹吉尔有一个校区, 摩洛哥. As Maine's largest private university, UNE is home to more than 9,000 students, 以及最先进的教育和研究设施, 比如哈罗德·奥尔方德健康科学中心和海洋科学教育与研究中心.

Advancing its focus on research, 该大学创建了几个创新的卓越研究和奖学金中心, including the Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences; the Center for 全球 Humanities; and the Center for Excellence in Public 健康.

U.S. 新闻 & World Report has ranked the University of New England among the best universities in the United States, and UNE is regularly recognized as a leading Maine university. 整骨疗法医学院因其在老年医学方面的卓越表现而得到认可, rural and primary care education.

In 1978 when St. 弗朗西斯学院和新英格兰骨科医学院合并成为正规澳门赌场网络, some thought the new name a little grandiose. 新机构的主席杰克·凯彻姆说:“我们会适应的。”他是对的——我们确实适应了.

To learn more, 观景街. 正规澳门赌场网络图书馆弗朗西斯学院历史收藏.

*Taken in part from 塑造未来:正规澳门赌场网络的创立 by Eleanor H. 哈尼.