
by Zach Brockhouse

Deep within the Pickus Center for Biomedical Research, Jayden Lovely (Medical Biology, ’26) points to a cluttered desk surrounded by vial-filled shelves. “A lot of my research is done right here,” she said. Set against the trees on UNE’s campus in Biddeford, 研究大楼容纳了一些大学最具创新性的生物医学研究. It is here that Lovely, a rising sophomore, 正在进行对阿尔茨海默病有切实意义的研究.

In another room, 她使用一种称为低温恒温器的机器来切片样品并染色,以突出她的研究重点, the CD2AP protein. She examines the results in UNE’s new Olympus Slide Viewer. “I look for the differences and record them,” she said. “If all goes as planned, 我可能会为治疗阿尔茨海默氏症的重大突破做出直接贡献.”

Jayden looks at a monitor showing green microscopic imagery

洛夫利正在攻读UNE医学生物学学士学位课程的医师助理预科(PA)课程, 哪些课程使学生具备在毕业后继续从事医师助理研究生学习所需的技能. For her, 该州唯一的私人助理项目符合她的愿望,即在不受医学学位的同一时间表限制的情况下,追求多种兴趣. She found her niche as a member of the Pre-Physician’s Assistant Club, but felt she still wanted more.

当一个俱乐部的成员提到有研究的机会提供给学生, Lovely perked up. It was exactly what she had been looking for. 她很快发了一封电子邮件表明了自己的兴趣,并与麦迪逊·默斯配对, 他是缅因大学本杰明·哈里森实验室的博士生, Ph.D., assistant professor of biochemistry and nutrition at UNE, who studies how pain signals are received by the body.


Jayden and Dr. Harrison working with lab equipment
Jayden and Dr. Harrison stand in front of an open lab freezer

A Budding Researcher Learns the Ropes

Lovely’s initial lab work wasn’t even related to Alzheimer’s. It was about pain. 

In 2022, Harrison received $1.800万美元的资金来自国家神经疾病和中风研究所, a division of the National Institutes of Health, to explore non-opioid treatments for chronic pain at the cellular level. 他正在利用五年的拨款研究如何减少伤害感受器的放电, 哪些神经元在疼痛损伤时传递疼痛信号. 他的重点是寻找非麻醉的方法来阻止疼痛在我们体内的处理. 

哈里森和他的团队发现,伤害感受器含有一种名为CELF4的蛋白质,他们认为这是一种RNA结合蛋白,可以抑制“促伤害”的产生,” or pro-pain-sensing cellular components. In essence, they are trying to trick the proteins to limit pain signals. His research focuses on delivering CELF4 into pain neurons, where the protein will limit the synthesis of ion channels, receptors, and other molecules that sensitize them. 

“The work Dr. Harrison had done was astounding — and intimidating. At first, I wasn’t sure of myself. I’d attended lab meetings before, 但听到行话和看到在这种环境中使用的工具似乎完全不同,” Lovely said.

没有多少学校允许学生有机会参与到这个层次, coming here and jumping right in their freshman year.
— Benjamin Harrison

她补充说:“我正在正规澳门赌场网络进行一段旅程,这是整个过程的一部分。. “There is so much that goes into a research project. And there is so much knowledge around from the people I get to work with. It’s taking me a while to wrap my head around everything, but I learn something new every time I walk into the lab.” Working with Meuth, Lovely began to learn histology, the study of the microscopic structure of tissues. Together, they aided Harrison with his research, specifically, 研究局部注射腺相关病毒是否能刺激CELF4的产生并减轻这些区域的疼痛——一种被称为基因载体疗法的方法.

“Using this novel gene vector therapy approach, 我们可以开发出比传统阿片类药物风险更小的疼痛疗法, such as addiction,” Harrison remarked.

“这项研究可能对那些患有慢性疼痛但不想接受手术的人有益,因为手术可能很昂贵,而且根本没有感觉。,” Lovely added.

Federal Research Powerhouse Unlocks New Funds

从疼痛研究到阿尔茨海默氏症的飞跃发生在哈里森得知杰克逊实验室的一项新研究计划之后, a nonprofit biomedical research institution in Bar Harbor, several hours north of UNE’s Biddeford Campus. 该项目涉及CD2AP蛋白及其变异如何导致阿尔茨海默病. 看到了他研究中的相似之处阻断了蛋白质中的疼痛信号, 他认为洛夫里很适合研究为什么阿尔茨海默病患者的一些蛋白质实际上停止接收信息.

“没有多少学校允许学生有机会参与到这个层次, coming here and jumping right in during their freshman year,” Harrison said. 当她毕业时,杰登将对科学过程有更深刻的理解. Very different than another school.”

R 2

A Carnegie-Classified R2 High Research Activity Institution

Illustration of microscope

41% of UNE Seniors who have worked on research projects, compared to 23% nationally

Illustration of the Maine state

$4M in NIH funding in 2022, more than any other college or university in Maine

Lovely was intrigued. 她说,疼痛和阿尔茨海默病研究之间的共性令人放心. “I felt like I had a good foundation to move forward from,” she said. But there was one problem — funding. 她和哈里森开始了每一个伟大的研究人员都必须经历的旅程——写拨款申请. Luckily, they were in good company. In 2022, 国家卫生研究院为缅因州的经济活动增加了2.64亿美元.根据联邦政府提供的数据,拨款和合同金额为700万美元. 正规澳门赌场网络获得了7笔赠款,总额超过400万美元,比缅因州其他任何学院或大学都多.  

“Dr. Harrison guided me through every step of the process. It was a little overwhelming, but we got through it and, earlier this year, I learned that our grant had been awarded.” Lovely said, noting that the Kahn Family Foundation paid for her summer housing, provided $1,000 for research materials, and awarded her a small stipend. 

Soon, tissue samples were shipped down to Biddeford to the Pickus Center’s 22,000 square feet of state-of-the-art research space, where Lovely could begin her work.

In her project, 洛夫里在老鼠大脑中提取了一种CD2AP变体,并将其与两种正常的进行了比较, “wild-type” brains. 多项研究表明,CD2AP基因的变化与阿尔茨海默病的进展有关. 洛夫里正着手证明,携带这种基因变异的老鼠体内的CD2AP蛋白发生了变化,这种变化可以用来模拟变性. 

While the research is ongoing, 洛夫里知道,早在大一的时候就有机会了解研究的来龙去脉,这让她对研究的世界大开眼界,也让她明白,下一个重大突破离被发现只有一步之遥.

“UNE does an amazing job to get the word out about research projects. The lab takes in students all the time,” Lovely said. “There are lots of students on campus who want to be involved. 想想校园实验室里的每个人现在都能做出真正的改变,这是令人兴奋的. I’m glad to be part of it all.”