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Center for 全球 Humanities Lecture/Seminar Series

How College 体育运动 Shape Culture and Community

Biddeford Campus (Harold Alfond Forum Room 283)
免费向公众开放. There will be a reception at 5 P.M.

Institutions of higher education have a longstanding history of shaping their student communities and the broader non-student communities connected to their campuses through cultural reproduction – or the transmission of norms, 值, and cultural components across generations, 空间, 和组织. This lecture will build upon this 理解 by exploring the operation, 角色, and importance of cultural reproduction in college sporting 空间—paying special attention to fan experience, 运动员的经历, 组织文化. 

The lecture stems from the overarching work conducted by Foster’s SESMI 研究 Lab that explores the nuances of Special 任务 Institutions and the dynamic relationship between the institution, 运动空间, 所服务的社区. The concept of Special 任务 Institutions extends beyond the existing framework for Minority Serving Institutions by broadening the scope through the inclusion of religious, 阶级意识的, and culturally-influenced regional colleges and universities. 

通过他的谈话, Foster will expand and enrich the lenses and framing we use when discussing, 经历, and working within college sporting 空间. 这样做的时候, he will impart to attendees a greater 理解 of how college athletics help shape communities. 


Sayvon JL Foster博士.D., is an assistant professor of sport management at the University of Kansas. 通过贸易, 他是一位体育社会学家, who specializes in college athletics with emphases on HBCU athletics, 大学体育文化, and college 运动员的经历 and development. Within his research and classrooms, he takes on a practical and liberatory stance that centers accessibility, 理解, 和正义. He is the founder of the Sport Experience at Special 任务 Institutions (SESMI) 研究 Lab. The mission of the SESMI 研究 Lab is to center sport at Special 任务 Institutions through rigorous and accessible scholarship, amplify sport at Special 任务 Institutions and their communities through collaboration, and celebrate the contributions of these 空间 through public scholarship and service. Outside of his teaching and research, Foster plays an active 角色 on his respective campuses and communities by serving as a first-year student mentor, 社会正义 & Campus Climate Committee member, SOEHS scholarship committee member, and youth mentor. 

Foster has published his scholarship in journals such as the 体育社会学, Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate 体育运动, 创新高等教育,和 Journal of Athlete Development and Experience. He has also presented research at multiple national and international conferences, notably the North American Society for Sport Management, the College Sport 研究 Institute,和 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport.


  • 赛文·福斯特.L. “You Gotta Be There: A Thematic Content Analysis of the Historically Black College and University Sporting Experience.” 沟通 & Sport9月16日. 2022, p. 216747952211257,
  • 赛文·福斯特.L.等。. “A Different World: A Blackcrit Reconceptualization of Historically Black 大学 and Universities 体育运动.” 体育社会学,卷. 40, no. 3月1日. 2023, pp. 40–50,


Biddeford, ME 04005